Monday, May 28, 2018
World of Irises: "Talking Irises" - THE 2018 TALL BEARDED IRIS BLOO...
Sunday, April 23, 2017
PEONY TULIPS -- Spring arrangements for lasting beauty
PEONY TULIPS -- Spring arrangements for lasting beauty
I love the many-petaled tulips labeled as "peony-flowering." Their multi-petaled stems, fully double, make the spring garden a sea of beauty. This variety, "ANGELIQUE," opens up to a nice 5-7" bloom. With its yellow anthers and center, and white petals that reveal ...
Read MoreSaturday, April 22, 2017
SINGLE LATE TULIPS -- "Blushing Beauty"-- Tall, beautiful, and long-lasting in arrangements
The tall, stately 30" + blooms of "BLUSHING BEAUTY," a single late tulip, increases in size and beauty each year. The bulbs produce vigorous, strong stems which are perfect for the vase.
The blooms open up to 8" or more across and they will command attention in any garden. I love some of the mutated blooms, as you can see in the photo. Each year the same marbled pattern appears on the same bulbs.
This year I've had some that are well over 30 inches--approaching 36-38". Another feature that makes them so desirable is that they return each year, bigger and stronger, not diminishing like some other varieties. I highly recommend this tulip. It can be found online at bulb specialty catalogs.
Friday, April 21, 2017
TULIPS with DAFFODILS--Having success in spring arrangements
TULIPS with DAFFODILS--Having success in spring arrangements
Single late tulip "Perestroyka" with "White Lion" daffodil Using tulips and daffodils together in spring arrangements is not without its problems if not treated correctly. Pre-condition your daffodils for success. Here's what you need to know: Fill a container with ...
Read MoreThursday, April 6, 2017
DAFFODILS - So many choices for naturalizing
DAFFODILS - So many choices for naturalizing
Daffodils are one of my favorite spring bulbs for many reasons: Many of them naturalize well in the garden, their nodding blooms are one of the first to bloom in spring, there are many different varieties to choose from, they are extremely hardy, and, a very important ...
Read MoreFriday, March 31, 2017
TULIPS--Spring-flowering bulbs for arrangements
TULIPS--Spring-flowering bulbs for arrangements
This spring arrangement is comprised entirely of one variety of tulip--a single early-blooming pink called "Pink Impression." Even with cool temperatures, bulbs put on a fabulous show of color in early spring. And by planting tulips in the fall, selecting ones that bloom ...
Read MoreThursday, March 30, 2017
DAFFODILS, FORSYTHIA & APRICOT BLOSSOMS--The 2017 spring garden blooms begin
DAFFODILS, FORSYTHIA & APRICOT BLOSSOMS--The 2017 spring garden blooms begin
Spring is here in the gardens. With warmer temperatures in early March, many spring flowering bulbs are blooming. However, with recent cold, rainy, and even snow, March is definitely going out like a lion here in zone 6. This arrangement started out small, but ...
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