Sunday, May 30, 2010


Although some of the designs at TEMPLE SQUARE would be hard to achieve in your yard, this pink, blue and white bed would be fairly easy to create.  The bed is raised in the middle, so the flowers can be seen from both sides.    
I served a service mission at TEMPLE SQUARE  in Salt Lake City, Utah, for 3 years.  It was Heaven!  I loved working in the gardens, giving tours, and meeting people from all over the world!  I not only learned A LOT about gardening, but about the history of the area, and many interesting facts about Temple Square and the gardens.  I also got to go work in the greenhouse, located a couple miles away from Temple Square.  It is amazing how many plants they propogate, and how efficient they are .  Currently, the gardens have just been "pulled" and the new summer/fall plants are being planted.  The gardens will be in full bloom probably by the end of June, although they are always beautiful.  My favorite times to view the gardens are in mid- to late-April and then again in late September, when the nights are cooler and the colors just 'pop out' in the gardens!  The beds are usually pulled the week after Mother's Day, and then again the week after  the first weekend (General Conference) in the Fall.  (So, if you're planning a wedding and want lots of colorful pictures, just be aware when the pull-outs are going on, or you might be disappointed!  I've heard of brides going  in to be married and coming out to find the flowers gone!)  I loved my time at Temple Square!   I highly recommend a free tour of the area--they include the Roof Top gardens at the Conference Center, and the gardens at the Joseph Smith and Church Office buildings.  Groups are welcome for tours. 

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