Thursday, June 24, 2010


As the season has progressed, I have had the question from many, "What plant is your favorite?"  I tell them that my favorites are always the ones that are blooming at the time.  I really don't have a favorite--I like so many.  But pictured here are a few of my favorites that I haven't really featured yet: Pulsatilla, Dimity Japanese Iris, Pink Bleeding Heart, Rose Foxglove, Peach Verbascum, Hellebore, various Primrose, Bethlehem Sage,  Double Pink Hollyhock, White Allium, Purple Shooting Star, White Bleeding Heart, Yellow Crown Imperial, Blue Lisianthus.  I can't wait for the lilies of all kinds (Daylily, Oriental and Asiatic), to bloom.  I had my first bloom today in the upper bed.  The others look to be ready to bloom very soon, as well as the various daylilies I have in the yard.  The roses are blooming, as well.  It's a nice time of year!


  1. I agree :-) love them all. Some may not be as showy as the others. But they all different and playing its part of the garden.

  2. I agree :-) love them all. Some may not be as showy as the others. But they all different and playing its part of the garden.
