Saturday, June 26, 2010


The first plants we planted in the yard several years ago were Hybrid Tea Roses.  They have been a source of enjoyment for many years now.  They are reliable, hardy, and easier to take care of than I had planned on.  I love many things about them:  their fragrance, their reblooming nature, (blooming in three to four flushes during the season), and their showy, multiple blooms.  Hybrid teas have narrow buds, one per stem. All mine are double.  I have about 50 roses, in 4 areas in the yard, but I do have 3-4 repeats of ones that I especially love. Hybrids are about 3-5'. I prune mine severely each spring to about 18 inches, and so by the end of the season, they are about 4-5 feet tall.  All roses benefit from basic pruning--this keeps them healthy and vigorous.  When you prune them,always cut just above an outward-facing bud.  Any time during the season there is dead wood, or damaged canes, remove them.  To prevent borers. you can seal your cuts with clear fingernail polish, or white glue.  There is much deadheading to do with roses, but it's worth it.  To deadhead, cut about 1/4" above the second 5-leaflet leaf, preferably above an outward facing leaf.They need full sun, or at least 6 hours a day, to bloom well.  If you don't have a spot that has the sun all day, choose one that has good morning sun, and afternoon shade.  Make sure they have good air circulation.  This helps keep down foliar diseases.  They tend to lose their leaves at the bottom, but I've heard that even if they don't, you should remove the leaves at the very bottom of the plant.  I fertilize mine in early spring before they leaf out with a good ROSE SYSTEMIC.  This also protects them from pests like aphids.  I apply every month, or I've heard every other month.  I prefer the granules--mixing it in with the soil around the base of the rose, then watering it in good.  If you don't have a soaker hose drip system, water your roses early in the day so leaves have time to dry out completely by nightfall.  Keep watering until fall, until they enter dormancy.  I mulch mine with shredded bark--this helps to keep them weed free, and keeps the moisture in.  I love working with roses in arrangements.  I remove the thorns before arranging, and I cut them at an angle.  I also use a commercial florists preserver for arrangements.  Roses would certainly be at the top of my list with my other favorite plants for the garden!    
Susanne Holland Spicker
Susanne Holland Spicker Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Gardener, Teacher, Photographer

Passion is defined as the love of, or the object(s) of affection and emotion. I am passionate about family, friends, flowers, food, photography and fabulous music! This blog is dedicated to those loves.

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