Wednesday, June 30, 2010


PLANT MARKERS are invaluable in the beds.  I use them for a number of reasons:  (1) So I can quickly identify which cultivar is which.  For instance, after the iris have bloomed, they all look alike.  So, I have the name of the iris on the marker to identify which iris it is.  The same goes for many other plants in the garden, like roses, poppies and peonies.  (2)  If a certain plant is late to emerge or break dormancy, the marker tells me where it is, reducing the risk of disturbing it, like the hosta or hibiscus. (3)  I also mark the areas where I want to plant things in the fall or spring.  An example of this is when the tulips and daffodils are blooming in the spring and there are some 'dead' areas where I want to plant more, I mark the spot where I want to plant them, and so when fall comes around, I know right where to plant.  I actually use T-Markers for the existing plants, and plastic table knives to mark planting areas.  I use clear knives, where I can write on the handle for the tulips, and  white plastic table knives for daffodils.  I also make a note in my plant booklet where I've put them, because in the fall, many plants have grown big and may cover up the knife marker.   (I started doing this after I had a hard time finding all the areas I had marked).  Other markers I have used are copper markers that you can emboss (these are pricey, though), 1" levelor slats (in 6" pieces),  tongue depressors or Popsicle sticks (These end up breaking or disintegrating--don't use!), and plastic forks (with the tines in the soil).  My favorite are the T-Markers.  I buy them at WalMart, but have seen them in other gardening stores.  You can also order plant labels from mail-order companies.  They come with a grease pencil, and I have found if I write nice and dark, it lasts for several seasons.  If it does fade, I simply re-write the name on, or if I need to change the name for some reason, I can use an eraser, and some elbow grease, and erase the existing name.  I have never had any break, and they are small enough to be inconspicuous, but big enough to write the names of plants on.  I recommend marking your plants--it's easy, inexpensive, and keeps things orderly in the garden bed.

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