Saturday, July 10, 2010


ASIATIC LILIES generally bloom from Mid-June to mid-July, although this year they're a little later because of the late, cold spring we had.  Some Asiatics last until as late as August.  Asiatics are probably the most popular and commonly planted of the early-blooming lilies.  They usually have 4-6" blooms and plants range in height of 2-5'.  I have cultivars that point upward, outward and even downward.  They come in a wide range of colors.  I have pinks, yellows, whites, reds, and oranges.  They are usually not fragrant, but I have one called "RED ALERT" that is fragrant.  I don't have to stake any of my Asiatics, however, some cultivars may have to be.  They are planted as  bulbs usually in the fall, although they can be planted in early spring as well.  They provide much color and can be very dramatic in your beds.  What I really like about Asiatic Lilies is that they multiply each year, make great cut flowers, and you can plant many throughout your beds--they don't take up much room, growing up, not out.  They can be grown in sun or shade, and they are pretty disease resistant, and as long as they are not over-watered, and planted soon after getting them (because they can dry out quickly), I think they are one of the easiest of all bulbs to grow and take care of.  They like to be fed with a balanced fertilizer in early spring, when their shoots first appear. Cut their stalks to the ground in fall.  I love lilies of all kinds--and I'm always eager for the showy, exotic-looking blooms the Asiatics bring when summer starts!
Susanne Holland Spicker Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Gardener, Teacher, Photographer

Passion is defined as the love of, or the object(s) of affection and emotion. I am passionate about family, friends, flowers, food, photography and fabulous music! This blog is dedicated to those loves.

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