Saturday, July 17, 2010


When planning your garden beds, color, shape, texture, size and design are all important.  As far as color goes,  personally, I like pinks, blues, whites and yellows together.  My garden reflects this preference.  I also use some corals, peaches, lavenders and purples.  I put together a collage of some of my very favorite pinks growing in our beds.  I will be posting collages of my favorite whites, blues, peaches, corals, and purples in future blogs.  This collage shows pinks from spring through fall.  All are in our flower beds in the yard.  I enjoy photographing them and then viewing them, especially to relax at night or during long winter days when I can't go out.  I love to put on some favorite music and view  the pictures as slide shows of my favorite blooms through the year.  

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