Friday, July 23, 2010


I've heard that a true blue in the garden is hard to come by.  Well, because I love blue in the garden so much, I've made it a point to search out and purchase any blue plant that I thought would work in the beds.  So, I have a very wide variety of blue flowering plants--from early spring, with hyacinths and grape hyacinths into late spring, with the many beautiful iris there are. In summer bush delphinium, and the fall with monkshood, and many blues in-between those seasons.  There are vibrant blues for the rock garden, to the regal blues of Japanese iris.  I think that blue is like yellow--it works well with most any color.  It has the ability to enhance the other flowers.  I like to use blue as a filler with my arrangements--especially bush delphinium, lavenders, love-in-a-mist, and blue salvia.  Blue can also be used to help blend colors that would normally clash, bringing unity to the bed. I think every garden needs some blue.  If you don't have any, take the time to search out one that would work well in your garden--I'm sure you'll think your garden comes "alive" with the added color.  I would be at a loss without blue around here!  I think one of my very combinations is blue and whites as well; it is so refreshing!  Pictured is a collage of some of my favorite blues in our beds.  If you have any questions, just let me know--I may have starts of some of them next spring!

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