Monday, July 19, 2010


I love working with YELLOWS IN THE GARDEN.  Beginning first in the early spring with daffodils, tulips, forsythia and pansies, to the Crown Imperial, iris and lupine in late spring.  Next come the roses,then lilies of all kinds, then dahlias, glads and mums in summer to fall.   Yellow is the universal color--it goes with everything.  I prefer the lemon yellows in my beds, and I love it when the variety has white with it as well.  I think yellow and white is so fresh and clean and inviting.  The DAFFODILS I have are ICE FOLLIES-- a huge variety, with 4" flowers of icy white petals surrounding a frilled yellow crown.  It is a good forcer and is an award winner.  The yellow TULIPS I have are BIG SMILE--an award-winning single late tulip that is a clear yellow and tall-26-30".  It is considered one of the very best yellow tulips.  I also like CREME UPSTAR--a primrose yellow with a faint magenta-rose edge and an interior ivory-white base.  It is a peony tulip, resembling large peonies.  They are fully double and long-lasting in their blooms, as well as in cut flower arrangements.  In an earlier post, I have an arrangement of each pictured if you go back to my blog of Tuesday, June 1st.  Right now in the garden there is a new yellow ORIENTAL Lily that is absolutely amazing--GOLDEN STARGAZER--developed from the popular pink Stargazer.  They are like my tree lilies--this is their second year and they are 6 feet tall and have HUGE (and I do mean HUGE, maybe 12" across!), clear, beautiful, fragrant blooms--about 13 or so on each of the plants.  Their description didn't say they were to be this tall, but they are.  (Pink Stargazer isn't tall).  It is a new variety, and one company I order from, B&D Lilies, said they wouldn't offer it yet because it was a new variety that hadn't been proven yet.  Well, I can tell you, they are wonderful!  I actually ordered 4 more I liked them so well!   I ordered from Dutch Gardens  mail order catalog.  My favorite yellow DAHLIA is KELVIN'S FLOODLIGHT.  It is a dinner plate dahlia that is a bright lemon yellow, and reaches about 10-12" across.  It is  vigorous, and grows to about 4' tall.  Yellow is a fun color to work with.  I enjoy it all through the season in different plants with blooms of all shapes and sizes. This collage shows some of my favorite Yellows and Whites from the various beds in the yard. 

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