Sunday, August 1, 2010


DAYLILIES are blooming right now--and they are beautiful!  They are considered one of the top-ten favorite plants in North America--and for several reasons:  They are hardy, heat tolerant, undemanding, pest free, colorful,  long-lived, easy-to-grow plants with abundant blooms that grow in a wide range of soils!  I have about 30 throughout the yard, and I'm always anxious for their colorful blooms start!  Their name depicts their bloom--their blooms last only a day.  They have so many buds, however, that flowering can last as long as 3-4 weeks on a mature plant.  In fact, with a good-sized clump, you could get well over 300 blooms in a single season!   Also, if you get varieties that bloom in early, then mid, and finally late, in the season, you could virtually have blooms up to 3 or 4 months!  When purchasing plants, keep that information in mind, and plan accordingly.  Their flower stalks, called SCAPES, can be as tall as 7 feet in some cultivars!  The cultivars I have are on scapes 2 or 3 feet high.  They like full sun, or least a half-day of sun a day.  They like average to rich soil, evenly moist and well-drained.  Once they are established, they need minimal care.  They need about an inch of water per week, but tolerate drought (they'll bloom less, however).  I  deadhead daily because their faded blooms are quite ugly, and can "stick" to another new bloom.  When all the bloom stalks have bloomed, cut the bloomed-out stalks to the ground.  Daylilies can go 10 or more years without dividing.  But if your plant becomes crowded, the plants start to bloom less, or, like in my case, outgrow their space in the garden, it's time to divide.  Early spring or late fall is the best time to do this.  To divide, first cut back the foliage to about 3-4 inches, then use a pitch fork to carefully dig the clump out by its roots.  You'll be able to see the individual "fans" and you can actually divide the fans by separating them with your fingers or a knife.  Usually 3-4 fans is a good number to divide to.  Replant immediately and water in well.  If you have more than you need, share with neighbors or friends--or move the extras to other areas of the yard.  (If you can't replant immediately, keep the roots moist).  They are perfect for beds, borders, to use as ground covers, or even for places in the center of your bed.   If you have tall ones, they can go in the back of the bed; they are very versatile.  I have purchased from several mail-order catalogs (Brecks, Van Bourgondien's,  G.H. Wilde & Sons, and Dutch Gardens). I highly recommend Diane's Daylilies.  Diane's Daylilies is in Pleasant View, and I have purchased several from her.  You can go to her site at  and see pictures and information on those she has available.  One thing is for certain--no season would be complete without DAYLILIES!  They have earned their top-ten status!


  1. Haven't seen you posting for a while. Hope you are doing well! I recently bought quite a few daylilies (16 different kinds). And wondering how you match them with other plants, in terms of color and flower season. I also worry about lilies. Are they not suppose to plant too close to certain plants in order to not get damaged? Any advise would be appreciated. Always look forwards to seeing your garden updates.

    1. Hi Kexin. I'm fine--just very busy! I appreciate your asking! I have SEVERAL posts that I need to get up--I've been taking pics each Monday and will be putting them on soon. As to your question about daylilies, I put them where I want summer color. I also recently purchased a bunch--about 25--and have them next to my spring flowering plants (Irises, peonies, lupine, etc). I also have about 300 lilies, and plant them where I want early summer color--in areas that their tall, thin stalks can be where I have such limited space. I haven't been worried about planting them next to any plants that I can think of. I have them among my hybrid roses, in beds with the spring perennials, along a fence line with irises and daylilies--just as long as they have good drainage, fun to partial sun and not too much water on them to avoid rotting. Good luck! I always look forward to your comments!
