Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The Internet has a wealth of information on gardening.  Just about anything you could think of --from supplies and tools to articles on every plant, and how to plant, and take care of them, to clubs and organizations, and places to order plants, or find hard-to-find plants.  A few websites that I go to regularly are
Also, if you just want to look up a plant, I highly recommend Dave's Garden.  Just type in any plant you want to see or find out about, and click on Dave's Garden from the choices that come up.  People post their pictures, have plants for sale or trade, and it is updated daily. 
Also, the Utah State Extension Service is available every Wednesday for call in questions you might have.  If you don't live in Utah, every state has an extension service that is usually set up by counties.  Just look them up in the telephone directory under government listings.  They do everything from soil testing, to questions about weeds, soil, trees, flowers, pests, and when it is best to spray your fruit trees. I utilize all these sites and agencies, and it has greatly increased my knowledge and appreciation for plants!

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