Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am a lover of iris, peony, poppy, daylily, Oriental and Asiatic lilies, hellebores, hosta, roses and bush delphinium, having many plants of each. I do have, however, lots of plants that I might just have 2, 3 or 4 of.  Pictured in these collages are some great plants, some of which are one-of-a-kind in the gardens.  They bloom at various times through the year, and all are perennials, with a couple exceptions.  A few have actually been removed and given away, because, as my favorites get bigger, it leaves me with a smaller area for other plants.  As I went through pictures, I've decided to do some major dividing this fall and spring.  Space won't allow them to get any bigger!  Since I have so many different plants, I need to divide every 2-3 years in order to keep the beds orderly and not so crowded.  (It's the price I'm willing to pay to have so many different varieties in the beds).  I've labeled the flowers so that if you're interested in any of them, you will know their name.  I feel that they are all easy to grow, and do well in zone 5.

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