Thursday, September 16, 2010


One of the things I love so much about where I live is that in Utah we have 4 distinct seasons--and planting the beds to maximize those seasons has big payoffs--the number of plants I can plant increases dramatically, and color almost year-round is so nice to have.  If you like different color schemes or looks, it's pretty easy to devise a different look for each season.  Take, for instance, the rock garden in the back yard--there are several distinct color schemes and looks throughout the year.  By layering bulbs, spring blooming perennials, miniature summer roses and summer blooming rock garden perennials, and finally fall garden mums, I have a different look four to five times a year.  It's fun to see the seasons come and go as I work in the rock garden.  The other beds have similar blooming seasons.  All the pictures I have in my posts do come from our yard, and it's because I utilize the seasons and their blooming potential that I can have so many different ones.  So, when buying plants, be sure to check their bloom season and growth habit, then you can plant accordingly.   

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