Sunday, October 31, 2010


Although today is Halloween, the majority of celebrating was last night.  The trick-or-treaters all came yesterday (at least I think they all came--we have extra candy just in case there are some stragglers tonight).  Our neighborhood had a dinner up to the church, and then after they "Trunk-or-Treated in the parking lot, although we had a pretty good turn out of cute little goblins come to our door.  The night started out rainy and cold, but, then the rain cleared and there was a beautiful sunset, making all the beautiful scenery in my area so pretty.   I've previously posted a look out my back, Ben Lomond Peak. This photo is from my front porch--these mountains are so lovely to look at each morning.  The snow has melted, with some warmer days.   I love where I live--the mountains are so big, and I've always felt enveloped with their majesty and wonder.  I have 5 special trick-or-treaters that make my life so happy--Logan, Eliza, Lucas, Paige and Anderson.  Family is always great, but there is a certain closeness and bond that comes from strong family traditions during any holiday.  I love this time of year--and it will just get better during the next few months!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, your grand babies are the CUTEST! Seriously- really cute kiddos. The scenery at your home is gorgeous. Your flowers you posted above remind me of Cheryl's Christmas colors that she tends to decorate with, they are really pretty. Your family sounds to have some really fun and yummy traditions.
