Monday, October 4, 2010


HYACINTHS--These very fragrant trusses of multi-flowering, bell-shaped flowers are just outstanding!  They are one of the first bulbs to bloom in the spring--with the daffodils.  Their first year blooms will be the biggest, and are often very top-heavy, just brimming with blooms and a heavenly aroma that I smell just walking up the driveway or along the front porch!  They have strap-like foliage, and grow to be about 8-12" tall.  Plant the bulbs deeply--6 inches, and 3-4" apart.  You might want to cover with pine boughs or other loose mulch to protect the shoots when they first emerge in early spring, to protect them from hard frosts.  Remove the mulch when danger of hard frosts are over.  After the first year, the blooms are still beautiful, but more natural looking, with graceful spikes.  Top feed plants in early spring, when the leaves emerge.  This will help the blooms stay large.  If you want exhibition blooms, replace your plants annually.  They make great cut flowers and look beautiful in spring arrangements.  When handling, wear gloves, as their skins will irritate your skin. They come in beautiful colors, of white, pink, lilac-blue, violet, yellow, peach, blue and dark blue--I even saw a bright dark pink--almost red-colored one last year!    These fragrant flowers always make me happy in the early spring and the time to plant them for your spring pleasure is now!

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