Monday, October 25, 2010


I love my miniature roses.  I have several in the rock garden--some which I transplanted from my Grandma Holland's garden quite a few  years ago.  I have found them to be exceptionally hardy.  There are a couple I've received as little planters from friends for my birthday for indoor use.  However, it may come as a surprise that even those potted miniatures are hardy plants that can be grown outdoors year round.  They have survived without any winter protection for 10-15 years, and all I do is give them a hard spring pruning before they leaf out, as they bloom on the current season's wood.  Be sure to remove older canes; this encourages new canes to grow, and also ensures an abundance of blooms.  I love their fall color--when the temperatures dip, their color, like most fall perennials, are deeper, and more vibrant, as seen in the collage.  Miniature Roses are especially effective when used with low-growing perennials, used as edgings, planted in front of foundation shrubs, or in terraced rock gardens, like mine.  They are susceptible to standard rose problems, although all I've ever experienced is a small aphid problem early in the blooming season, but I use a systemic on my roses and it has never been a big problem.  If deadheaded regularly, their blooms are everblooming (blooms non-stop during the season).  I have used them in arrangements, and they add a whimsical and soft touch that is very nice. They are also easy to dry and use in various dried flower craft projects.  The plants are very inexpensive to buy, and will last in your gardens for years to come!

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