Monday, November 22, 2010


There is nothing more grand than a dried HYDRANGEA arrangement.  I cut the mop heads after the nights have begun to be longer, and the days grow cold.  The cold temperatures give them a boost of color that deepens as they dry.  I cut them, hang them upside down, or even place them in a large vase, and let them completely dry out.  This year, because of the cold snap we had, the colors are simply scrumptious!  The beautiful jewel tones of  blues, grays, lavenders, greens, tans and mauve couldn't be prettier--brushed by Mother Nature.  After they are allowed to completely dry, arrange as desired, and then enjoy!  These dried arrangements are very long lasting.  I have one that I dried last year, and it looks like it did a year ago.  They aren't as fragile as they look, and given a nice spot, will last indefinitely in your home as a floral arrangement.  Of all the flowers I've dried, I think hydrangeas are the easiest to dry, and certainly hold up the best. 

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