Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This is my mother's recipe for her famous REFRIGERATOR ROLLS--affectionately called "Three Hump Rolls" by all the grand kids.  The dough is very forgiving, and can be stored in the refrigerator until ready to form and bake.  Or, you can immediately let the dough raise and bake as soon as the dough is made.  It's the roll I grew up on, and the one that my mother is famous for.  She made a double batch for our Thanksgiving dinner; a batch makes 3 dozen rolls. She made them ahead of time, and we just put them back in the tins in a warm oven until they were nice and warm again.  They freeze well, and can be frozen for several months. 
2/3 Cup shortening
1/2 Cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 Cup boiling water
2 Tablespoons yeast
1/2 Cup warm water
4 eggs, beaten
7 1/2 Cups flour
1 Cup ice water
Mix shortening, sugar, and salt.  Add boiling water and whip well.  Soften yeast in the 1/2 Cup warm water, then add to the whipped shortening mixture.  Mix in beaten eggs.  Add flour alternately with ice water.  Knead well.  Cover tightly and store in refrigerator.  Dough may need to be punched down several times before it stops raising in the refrigerator.  When you want to bake rolls, make balls about the size of a walnut and place 3 balls in each individual greased muffin tin.  Let raise 2-3 hours, or until above the tins.  Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown.  Turn onto racks and cool after baking.  NOTE:  This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, and makes 3 dozen.

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