Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Well, here it is a day before one of my favorite holidays--Thanksgiving!  But, yesterday was more like December or January.  We had a "Blizzard Warning!"  It's the first blizzard warning I can ever remember of having.  The snow and winds came, but not as bad as the weather people said it was going to be.  (Anyway, in my area). But, the worst thing is the freezing temperatures--some places are 20 degrees below zero!  The blanket of snow is beautiful, though, and I'm glad it's there--snow is a great insolation for our perennials.  If you're in a area where the temperatures are extra cold, but no snow cover, heavily mulch your plants with leaves, pine boughs, straw or even mounded soil.  If you have snow cover, you don't need to worry.  But, if the snow melts, you may want to cover those perennials to insure they stay healthy during these next cold months. 

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