Sunday, December 19, 2010


This recipe is a great one for using your leftover turkey from your holiday meals, as it uses only 2 cups of diced turkey. The combination of the turkey and cranberries, along with finely chopped celery, walnuts and Swiss cheese gives it not only an absolutely delicious taste, but its presentation makes a beautiful, festive, centerpiece for your holiday buffet table or family gathering.  Even picky eaters seem to love it--although I did make half of the wreath without nuts.  It uses purchased refrigerated crescent rolls, and the braid-like assembly works up easily and quickly for a dish that looks so spectacular!   If you're looking for something new, festive, easy, and very tasty, I recommend this recipe from Pampered Chef for TURKEY CRANBERRY WREATH.

2 pkgs. (8-oz. each) refrigerated crescent rolls
1/2 Cup mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons honey Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
2 Cups cooked turkey, diced (about 12 oz.)
1/2 Cup diced celery
3 Tablespoons parsley, snipped
1/2 Cup dried cranberries (craisins)
4 oz. Swiss cheese, shredded (1 Cup)
1/4 Cup walnuts, chopped (opt.)
1 egg, separated
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Unroll crescent dough, and separate into 16 triangles.  With wide ends of the triangles towards the center, arrange 8 triangles in a circle on a large cookie sheet or pizza pan.  Corners of side ends will touch and points will extend out over the pan usually.  Seal seams gently with fingers.  (Points will overlap, but don't seal them).  Combine mayonnaise, pepper and mustard.  Dice turkey and celery.  Snip the parsley.  Add turkey, celery, parsley and cranberries to mayonnaise mixture.  Add grated Swiss cheese and gently toss together.  Scoop filling over the seams of the dough, forming a circle.  Coarsely chop the walnuts, if desired, and sprinkle over filling.  Then, beginning in the center, lift one dough triangle across the mixture.  Continue alternating with outer strips, slightly overlapping, to form the wreath.  Tuck the last end under the first one.  Separate the egg.  Beat egg white lightly and then brush over the dough using a pastry brush.  Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.  Cut and serve.  Yield:  10 servings

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