Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Like most of my recipes, this is an old family favorite for ZUCCHINI BREAD.  It is heavy and moist, and the different variations make it a universal recipe.  We have a joke around here that one zucchini plant feeds the whole neighborhood!  So when I harvest the zucchini, I grate it and make up a big batch [I've quadrupled (4x) this recipe very successfully].  Or, if I don't have the time to bake the bread, I grate it and freeze it in Ziploc bags in the amounts that I'll need to bake later on.  Then when I'm ready to make it, I just unthaw, drain (if needed) and make a batch  or two of the aromatic, tasty bread.  So even in the winter months, when fresh home-grown zucchini isn't available, I can still make the homemade loaves!  The recipe has 5 different variations:  Chocolate Chip, Crushed Pineapple, Raisin, Coconut or Cranberry.  All have nuts in them, but that, of course, is optional. I love them all!  This bread also freezes very well for several months.

2 Cups sugar
1 Cup oil
3 eggs
2 Cups grated zucchini
2 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon vanilla
3 Cups flour 
1-3 Cups coarsely chopped nuts (walnuts, pecans, slivered almonds)
Grate zucchini.  Mix together zucchini, oil.  Add sugar and beat.  Add eggs and beat well.  Add spices and dry ingredients except flour.  Mix well.  Add flour, stirring well.  Add ingredients for the variation you want, then bake at 325 degrees until done, about 45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.  Turn onto racks and cool.

VARIATIONS:  Chocolate Chip:  Add 1 large package milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips with walnuts.  Raisin:  Add 2-3 Cups ground raisins with walnuts.  Coconut:  Add 1 12-oz package flaked coconut, omit the vanilla and substitute Coconut flavoring.  I like slivered almonds or walnuts with the coconut.  Crushed pineapple:  1 large can crushed pineapple, drained, with pecans.  Cranberry:  1 can whole cranberry sauce.  I like pecans or walnuts with this one.


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