Friday, December 31, 2010


On the eve of the new year, now is the time to take stock in your flower beds and set some new goals for your gardens in 2011.  Get the new year off to a great start by setting some achievable changes that will enhance your beds, improve your soil, or simply expand your knowledge of the plant world and what will work best for you in your time zone and particular needs.  Some of the things I'll do in these next few months of cold weather are:

  1. Update all garden maps of the beds, making note of any changes needed to be made
  2. Update Iris binder.  Add new ones, with information and pictures
  3. Update perennial binder, adding new ones, putting old in discard binder (I keep this discard binder for future reference
  4. Get any mail orders in early for additions or changes that I'm making
  5. Organize gardening magazines, alphabetically, and discarding old ones (I always keep last season's to have on hand)
  6. Plan out patio plants; mix soiless potting soils
  7. Check dahlia tubers, making sure they are still viable; adjust moisture level, if necessary
  8. Study up on new cultivars of perennials; make note of replacement changes, if needed
  9. Study pest control measures, especially for my problem:  Strawberry Root Weevil.
  10. Get all tools, gloves, drip hoses, planter boxes together, making note of things needed to buy as soon as the stores have them out.
A few of my particular goals for this coming year are to get my Strawberry Root Weevil under control, and be more successful in two of my patio, full-shade, dry area planter boxes.  I also want to have a nice variety of tall zinnias for the coming season.  So, I will be addressing those particular goals.  I will always be tweaking the perennial beds, and I want to adjust one of my soaker hoses for more efficient drip watering.  Another thing I need to work on--our vegetable garden--which is now a flower garden bed!   Work in the beds is always a continual work-in-progress--and this year will be no exception.  But, good planning now will make the coming months more successful, productive, and beautiful!   HAPPY NEW YEAR (and happy planning)!

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