Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I love nutcrackers!  And, I've been fortunate enough to have had three friends that make them.  A neighbor, Diana Dunkley, gave me my first 2 nutcrackers over 20 years ago, and that got me started!  She no longer makes them, but 2 other friends, Kathy Call and Marilyn Hilton, make and sell nutcrackers.  Kathy has been featured in the newspaper, and is known far and wide for her unique nutcrackers. They make them to personal order--I've seen cheerleaders, fishermen, skiers, any type of ball player, hunters, doctors, nurses, clowns, witches, leprechauns, Frankenstein, and, of course, the more commonly thought-of nutcrackers-- chimney sweeps, soldiers, Santa's, etc.--you name it, and they've most likely made a nutcracker of that type.  Kathy tells me she sells hers in Park City, and has taken orders from all over.  I  have had her make 7 different ones for me, that I absolutely love!  Her prices are very competitive, and the quality is wonderful!  She buys hand-turned wood from a skilled carftsman, sometimes waiting months for her order. I think her nutcrackers are heads and shoulders above the popular German Steinbach ones, but then, I'm prejudice.   Their detail is amazing, and I've been able to give Kathy samples of fabrics, or needlework to match colors and patterns that go with my Christmas decor.  I always love to get them out each December, and hate to put them away in January.  It's true that I'm just nuts about nutcrackers!


  1. I love the nuckrackers also, and I have 5 and I put them, below christmas tree.

    1. I bet they look awesome! Putting them beneath the Christmas tree is an excellent idea!! :)
