Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This CHEESY CHICKEN SOUP is probably the most asked-for soup recipe I have.  I got it about 30 or so years ago from a friend.  Since then, I've shared it with many, many people. Because it makes ALOT, I've used it for a myriad of functions that have a crowd--teacher's appreciation dinners, family dinners, civic and church groups.  It is especially good with a crusty-outside, soft-inside, homemade bread bowl, although if you don't make homemade ones, bakery-bought would be good, of course.  (See my post on French bread [1/20/11], which is the recipe I use for my soup bowlsOR, you can also use 4 frozen dinner rolls, thawed, combined together, risen and baked, 3 or 4 to a big cookie sheet).  Also, if you don't need soup for a crowd, you can easily half the recipe. 

6-8 chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
6 carrots, diced small
6 stalks celery, chopped fine
2 onions, diced
1 16 oz. pkg frozen peas
1 1/2 gallons water
6 oz. chicken bouillon granules
1 lb butter
flour (enough to make a soft paste--approx. 3 cups)
1 16-oz. bottle Cheese Whiz
Salt & Pepper, to taste (See NOTE at the end of the directions)
Bake, boil or microwave chicken breasts until done.  Cut into small  cubes.  Cover and set aside.  Par boil all vegetables, leaving them a little crisp, except frozen peas.  Then add frozen peas and heat through, but DO NOT BOIL!  Drain and set aside.  Bring water to a boil and add bouillon.  Dissolve well.  In another pan, melt the butter, then add enough flour to make a soft paste, and stir until thickened.  Stirring constantly, gradually add the hot water/chicken bouillon mixture to the paste, a little at a time.  When smooth and completely blended,  add vegetables and Cheese Whiz (I warm it a little in the microwave, or under hot running water to make it easier to pour out).  If soup needs to be thinned, you can add more water.  Serve with bread/soup bowls.  Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.  When rewarming, you may need to add additional water.  Serves  a crowd--probably 20.  NOTE:  I don't add any salt to the recipe.  I think the Cheese Whiz gives it as much salt as it needs.

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