Monday, January 17, 2011


We like this recipe for INDIAN FRY BREAD or NAVAJO TACOS.  The recipe comes from a local nature retreat.  It is, of course, a quick and easy recipe.  When making the dough, allow time to make it and let it sit for 30 minutes or so.  (Although I usually just make the dough, let it sit over night and make the fry bread or the Navajo tacos the next day).  Kids love to help with these--and we let everyone make their own Navajo taco, putting their favorite toppings on.  If used for Indian Fry bread, it's delicious served with honey butter, or rolled in granulated sugar.  You can also shake a few at a time in a paper bag with powdered sugar in.  They're also a great breakfast item for holidays and special occasions, or an informal family dinner.  Be sure to have lots of toppings on hand for a good selection. 

2 cups flour
1/2 cup powdered milk
1 Tablespoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons shortening
3/4 cup + 3 Tablespoons warm water
1 cup canola oil
Mix together flour, powdered milk, baking powder and salt.  Cut in shortening.  Add warm water.  Knead until smooth.  Allow to stand, covered, 30 minutes, or over night, in the refrigerator.  Then pat into 2-inch patties (this is what the kids love to do--make their own!) for fry bread, or 6-inch patties for Navajo tacos.  Heat oil in skillet.  Drop into hot oil and cook until golden on both sides.  Drain on paper towels.  Serve fry bread with honey butter or rolled in granulated sugar.  For Navajo tacos,  have desired toppings on hand and let everyone build their own.  Makes 20 2-inch patties of 6 6-inch patties.  NOTE:  Our favorite toppings are, seasoned ground beef, kidney beans, chopped tomatoes, grated cheese, sliced olives, shredded lettuce, green onions and guacamole.  Utterly delicious! 

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