Sunday, February 13, 2011


This QUICK and super EASY recipe for a FRUITY, CREAMY, BROWNIE PIZZA is one we developed by adapting our fruit pizza (post of 5/31/10).  We voted on the crust, filling and toppings, coming up with a Valentine's Pizza that the members of our family would enjoy most.  I got out-voted though.  (I thought it would be good, especially for the little ones, with a melted chocolate layer, then topped with broken Oreos, and Valentine's plain M&M's--I may still make one like that--I know it would be colorful and the kids would love it)!  The fun thing about it is that you get to decide what you would put on top.  Just make the base with your favorite brownie mix, or 'from-scratch' brownie recipe, and slide it onto a serving platter when baked and cooled, then top it with your favorites. Another choice we voted on was topping the brownie pizza with a pudding (either chocolate or vanilla), and bananas & raspberries, chopped nuts, and drizzled with hot fudge.  I think that would be good, too.  (Just remember that when you use some fresh fruits, like bananas, you must treat them with lemon juice or pineapple juice to keep them from browning).  Fruit, nuts, marshmallows, crushed candy and cookies are all good choices for a chocolate brownie fruit pizza.   A chocolate chip cookie would also be a good base.
Here's our recipe.
1 Family Size (9X13 pan size) Pillsbury Milk Chocolate brownie mix
1 pkg milk chocolate chips, divided
1 cup whipping cream, whipped
1/3 - 1/2 cup powdered sugar (to taste)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 8-oz. cream cheese, room temperature
Fruit of choice:  strawberries or raspberries our favorite choices
Line a pizza pan with aluminum foil  and spray or grease.  Make brownie according to directions  (high altitude add 1/2 cup flour, and increase water to 1/3 cup).  Add 2/3 pkg milk chocolate chips to batter and stir just until barely blended.  Pour in lined pan. Bake as directed.  Cool.  Carefully transfer to serving platter, using the aluminum foil to lift.  Whip cream.  When soft peaks form, add vanilla and powdered sugar.  Set aside.  In another bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth.  Gently fold in the whipped cream mixture.  Spread on cooled brownie.  At this point, if not serving immediately, brownie with cream topping can be refrigerated, covered.  Prior to serving, melt remaining chocolate chips, as directed on package.  Wash or slice berries, and arrange on top of pizza.  Drizzle with melted chocolate chips.  Serve and ENJOY!   This was sure a hit with the family!  There are endless possibilities to a fruit pizza--use your imagination and ingredients you and your family like most!  (The following three variations are from PAMPERED CHEF and OREOS WITH A TWIST).

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