Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've mentioned before that BERGENIA are on my all-time favorite perennials list.  Not given near as many accolades as I think it deserves, this perennial is wonderful!  I grow them mostly for their big, beautiful rounded foliage, which turn beautiful maroon colors in the fall, and stay that way until new green ones emerge in the early spring.  An added bonus is the foot-tall flowers that bloom in April or May, in shades of pink, rose-red or white.  Some of their many attributes: They are not invasive, they spread slowly, are very hardy, easy to grow, like partial or dappled shade, (or full sun if kept moist), tolerate short periods of drought conditions after established, are easy to divide, and grow well in slightly acidic OR slightly alkaline soil.  About the only problem I know of is that slugs and snails love them, so put a bait down, which works very well  for control.  For the best lush, large and luxuriant leaves, prepare your soil well and keep evenly moist.   My bergenia are just now starting to get new leaves, and I have a couple tight blooms, but the vast majority will appear in about a month.   If you don't have any bergenia, I highly recommend this handsome perennial!

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I's let you know, I made up that Cherry Slush punch this past weekend that you posted over Val Day...I had planned to make it over Val Day but my kids had so much sugar during that time I decided to make it later. I did it for the fam b-day gathering for he last three months worth of b-days, the punch was a hit- everyone kept on coming back to fill up their cups time after time, (I figured since my kids are on Spring Break that the extra sugar wouldn't matter) the slush part made it unique, we'll be making it again during thew summer months I'm sure! Thanks for the recipe.
