Sunday, March 20, 2011


Although not the first bulbs of the early spring to bloom, CROCUS are regarded by many as the first sign of spring.  Because they often peek through snow, they have the name snow crocus.  Hybrid crocus bear white, purple, or yellow blossoms, and they are in full bloom right now.  I really like their narrow, green foliage, some with stripes.  They are super hardy bulbs, and require nothing special to keep them beautiful each year, as long as you plant them in well-drained soil Plant 3-4" deep in the fall, then just leave alone and you will reap the benefits the following March. They multiply annually, and will bloom in full sun or part sun.  They look nice tucked in areas in your woodland areas, rock gardens, flower beds, walkways, and some gardeners even plant them in their lawns!  (If you do plant in the lawn, you won't be able to mow until they are finished blooming).  I always look forward to these little cheery bloomers!

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