Sunday, March 27, 2011


The dainty, clear blue, star-shaped flowers of the Chionodoxa, or GLORY-OF-THE-SNOW, has white eyes and bloom in late winter or early spring.  They have grassy leaves, and end up being anywhere from 6 to 8 inches tall.  Mine have just starting to emerge from the soil, and will be blooming probably within the week, with clumps of abundant luscious, green grassy leaves in areas throughout the yard. I took this picture of one of the emerging plants yesterday, before we woke up to snow-covered beds this morning.  The snow won't hurt the hardy blooms, however, and they will be beautiful  when the snow melts.  They are a small bulb, planted about 3 inches deep in the fall.  They multiply annually, and require no special care, except plant in an area that isn't water-logged.  Their bloom period is quite long, and, when finished blooming, the grass-like blades will soon disappear until the next winter.  Mark where you have them, since they are planted shallowly, and you don't want to disturb them.  I especially love their bright, clear, starry blue bloom, and when they start to peek through the soil, it is always a great day for me!  I have them throughout the yard, in front borders, among other spring blooming bulbs--tulips, daffodils, blue bells, and early blooming perennials such as primrose, bleeding heart and euphorbia.  They are bulbs that really perk things up, and if you don't have any, I highly recommend this little cheery bloomer!  

1 comment:

  1. Here in Sumner we are known for our Daffodils, they are every where (mostly just the yellow ones but fields and fields, very pretty.)
