Saturday, March 5, 2011


I got this recipe for BEEF PARMESAN from a friend years ago.  She changed the original a bit to make it even quicker, by eliminating the browning of the cubed steak, which doesn't make a difference at all in taste--yet makes it lower in fat!  It's a great recipe for something good and hearty when you don't have time for baking, and can also be put together and baked later, which makes it so easy!  Throw in some potatoes to bake at the same time, add a colorful vegetable (I like steamed baby carrots), and you have a great meal with little-to-almost no time involved!

6-8 pieces cubed steak
6-8 pieces mozzarella cheese
1 bottle chunky Prego sauce
Parmesan cheese, to taste
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Season cubed steak pieces with salt and pepper.  Sprinkle each with Parmesan cheese.  Top with a slice of mozzarella cheese.  Pour the bottle or Prego sauce over meat pieces.  Bake 45 minutes-1 hour at 350 degrees.  NOTE:  You can use veal, chicken breasts, or cubed pork for this recipe as well.  All are very good!

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