Thursday, April 7, 2011


Because of the above-normal temperatures in fall, then a sudden deep dip in temperatures around Thanksgiving to below zero, the roses didn't have the proper time to harden off.  Due to this, all but a few of my roses have winter kill--killed to the ground!  Roses are generally  budded onto a vigorous rootstock, but plants grown on their own roots are becoming more common and quite popular.  (Species and some of the modern shrub roses are generally grown on their own roots).  If  you are growing roses at the limits of their hardiness, roses that are grown on their own roots are a good option.  In harsh winters, even if they are killed to the ground, as we experienced here in Northern Utah this year, new shoots will come back from the crown of the rose.  You'll know if you have winter kill--it's easy to tell--your rose canes will be BLACK!  This time of year, there are generally new little buds appearing on healthy canes.  Black canes will not produce any new growth and need to be pruned to the ground.  The 6 roses that are protected on the side of my house are fine. The new growth on them is seen in my picture.  However, you can also see the picture of the rose with black, winter-killed canes.  I'll have to prune back those canes to the ground. If they are own-root roses, they will come back.  If not, they will need to be replaced.  I have about 40 roses that are affected by winter kill. I hope that most, if not all, are own-root roses!

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