Monday, April 4, 2011


The little mouse-ear shaped foliage of the FORGET-ME-NOTS is appearing, which means their bloom isn't too far away!  I love the beautiful tiny blue blooms; they add so much to the landscape in the flower beds when they bloom.  They have many assets--they reseed very easily, and transplant just as easily in the early spring, or even late fall.  They are extremely hardy, and add a beautiful color of blue to the front of your shady borders.  Even though they are a short-lived perennial, because they reseed so easily, you'll always have plenty of seedlings around--and they're so easy to transplant or take out if you don't want them where they are.  They mix so well with early flowering bulbs--daffodils, tulips, crocus, bergenia, bleeding heart, hyacinths, euphorbia and lungwort.  They are one of my springtime favorites!

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