Tuesday, May 24, 2011


One of my favorite things to do with the beautiful blooms in the yard is to make FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS.  I love using different colors, shapes, sizes and varieties.  There is no end to the wonderful combinations a person can pull together from the blooms around the yard.  Don't think you have enough blooms for a bouquet?--There have been many times when I thought I'd never be able to pull a nice arrangement together, but, to my surprise, there have always been enough to make a nice bouquet--so I suggest just walking around your yard with a container of water, cutting the colors or kinds you want, and immediately plunging them into water, until you have a sufficient amount.  As you arrange them, you can always add more flowers if you need to.  I cut them very early in the morning, or just before it's dark in the evening.  I use a floral preserver that all florists have (I ordered a big bucket of it).  If you arrange at night, I find they do better.  I re-cut the stems under water, so the little 'bubble seal' doesn't form on the flower, making their vase life longer.  The tulips have been especially nice to work with the last month.  I big plus is that their vase-life is long, and whether they're in bud form, or wide open blooms, they have been lovely.  Here are a couple of my favorite arrangements from the last few weeks. 

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