Sunday, May 8, 2011


Mothers and daughters,
The best of friends--
Who listen, who care,
Whose love is a constant.

I turned, and you were there for me;
I spoke, you understood,
I felt cared for,
I knew I was loved.

4 generations of girls and women--
The best of friends.
There is no doubt
We're blessed beyond measure.

On this special day, I want to honor my mother--a wonderful woman and special best friend to me.  Hard-working, talented, and compassionate, you've always been a great example of motherhood to me.  I also want to pay tribute to my daughters who are mothers.  Your patience and loving ways are an inspiration to me!  And to my daughters and grand daughters, who are not yet mothers, I want you to know that I am impressed with your nurturing ways, which will help to make you excellent mothers when the time comes.   Words seem small when expressing my love to you all.   Happy Mother's Day!  I'm blessed to have you all in my life.

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