Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yesterday morning we woke up to a not-so-welcome site--it had snowed 2 inches on the valley floor!  Although we live on the northeast bench, where we get a lot of snow, it was still a surprise.  (And not a very welcome one at that!) The heavy, wet snow especially took it's toll on the tree peonies, peonies, and lupine. The tree peonies were totally bent down,  their big, full blooms on the ground.  The herbaceous peonies were all sprawled out, flattened as well.  Many branches of the lupine were broken right off, and other trees and plants had significant problems.  I went out later in the day to see if I could stake some of the worst hit peonies.  I was able to get several tied and staked, although the stems are crooked and misshapen.  My hopes are that they will straighten up, and that we will be able to enjoy their blooms in a few weeks.  The lupine weren't as easy to correct--their branches and leaves are not just bent, but broken right off.  Hopefully they will leaf out more in the next weeks, but I don't know that either of the two perennials will be the same this season.  One thing I AM sure of, however, is that I am ready for a nice, long spring!    

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