Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I had a fun experience yesterday afternoon; I visited the Box Elder Company, SUNFLOWER CAMP of the DAUGHTER'S OF UTAH PIONEERS.  This group meets every month (summers off) to celebrate their pioneer heritage.  My mother has been a member for many years.  My dad's mother was also a member before she passed away, as well as her mother before her.  This women's organization is dedicated to preserving the history of the original settlers of the geographic area covered by the State of Deseret and Utah Territory, including Mormon Pioneers, but not limited to Mormons.  It is open to any woman who is over the age of 18, in good character, that has a lineal (or legally adopted) descendant of an ancestor who came to the Utah Territory before the completion of the railroad on May 10, 1869.  The organization has been around since 1901.  The group follows the lead of other national lineage societies, such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, and they also act as a nonpolitical and nonsectarian organization.  Their efforts are many--DUP has worked to conserve historical sites and landmarks, to collect artifacts, relics, manuscripts and photographs, and to educate its members and the general public.  Numerous books have been published by the society, including community and family histories, cookbooks, history texts, children's stories, and a four-volume collection of biographical sketches "Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude" (1998).  The meeting I attended opened with prayer and a song, announcements of upcoming events, and then an ancestor history was shared by one of the members.   Linda Mortensen taught the outlined lesson, which was on the handiwork of the pioneer women.  She shared information and examples of tatting, crocheting, quilting, hairpin lace and braided and coiled rugs. We also learned about bobbin lace, hats, basket weaving, and "red work--" embroidery done on tea towels, aprons, curtains, splashers, bed covers and tidies--completely in red thread.  It was very interesting learning about those soon-to-be "lost arts."  The group was small--with just eight women, including one visitor who had been invited as a possible member, who was eligible to join the group. Their camp has dwindled over the years, with older members passing away.  I know they would like to recruit more members.  However, this fun group of ladies seemed to have a good time, and I, for one, was glad to be in attendance!  For more information on DUP, go to dupinternational.org.

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