Thursday, May 12, 2011


4 years after the Civil War, the United States was joined from coast to coast by a TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD as a ceremonial spike was driven at PROMONTORY POINT, UTAH.  Known as "THE WEDDING OF THE RAILS," this historic event took place on May 10, 1869, and is still re-enacted today, every May 10th.  Travel time from the Atlantic to the Pacific would soon fall from as much as 6 months down to just 1 week!  It was a staged media event, with 2 locomotives sitting just a rail tie apart from each other. With crowds of people looking on and cheering, former California Governor Leland Standford (and railroad financier), drove a single golden spike into the final tie with a silver hammer.  The rail lines from east to west were joined!  A telegraph operator let the entire country know with a simple message: "DONE!"  Each year, the event is re-enacted, using replicas of the original locomotives, and local actors and townspeople.  The ceremony was Tuesday, and is always covered by the local newspaper.  If you're interested in history and want an interesting site to visit, I recommend traveling to Promontory Point, where the replicas still stand.  (The photos were taken on a visit to Promontory Point several years ago; my parents are in the photo).

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