Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The spring blooms are late this year--but you know what they say, "Better late than never!" I find this to be true in the spring beds--but the wait was well worth it!  Between the wind, late heavy snow, hail, and the rain, rain, and more rain, there was damage to some plants; others fared better than others.   For the most part, however, most perennials don't seem to have permanent problems. The peonies have pretty-much straightened up, as well as the poppies. The iris took a hit bloom-wise--many did not send up any stems, but the fans are nice and healthy.  I have many that are blooming, however. The roses took a major hit--some will be lost.  They have usually had their first blooms by now, but it will be quite a while before they bloom, as some are barely leafing out. However, the lupine are gorgeous, and the peonies and poppies, which are just barely starting to open up, look like they will be wonderful!  All in all, the yard looks nice, and I'm thankful for the blooms that I do have.  Here's what blooming in the Spicker Gardens the last couple of days:


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