Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Areas where air lies stagnant can promote a fungal problem called BOTRYTIS BLIGHT. This is when brown spots appear on the leaves or buds. In advanced cases the lower leaves turn brown and crispy and die. 
While the bulb doesn't die, you'll get fewer blooms on your plants next year. To remedy this problem, you need to immediately spray with a fungicide containing copper hydroxide or copper sulfate. It will be blue, and may not look real good on your lily leaves, but will do the trick. A good way to curb the problem is to spray the soil and the emerging leaves early in spring. I have this problem and it's not uncommon, and can be seen on a number of perennials--daisies, phlox,and monarda. The fungus lies on top of the soil and is just waiting for the right combination of things for it to grow and multiply. It is most prevalent where the springs have been wet and cool and then a hot summer comes along. Things you can do to help lessen the chances of this fungus on your lilies are: Provide good air circulation, clean up old stems in winter, keep your areas free from weeds, and then to spray the soil and emerging sprouts in early spring. Keep in mind that if you have it, you can still enjoy beautiful blooms this year--don't dig up your bulbs; just be aware that you can still spray with the fungicide, and most importantly, prepare for the problem by spraying next spring and keeping your beds clean.  

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