Monday, July 4, 2011


Our family always celebrates the Fourth of July with a family cookout.  It's a fun time to celebrate not only the birthday of America, the land we love, but a time to spend time with each other visiting, laughing, playing lawn games, of course, eating some good old American food--hamburgers, hot dogs, and root beer floats.  The girls made some American fireworks sugar cookies. To top it off the night, we let off some fireworks.  This morning we watched our local parade and then we went to the park, where there are a multitude of activities for the kids as well as the adults.  We'll cook out again--kabobs, corn on the cob, and banana splits, then watch a wonderful display of fireworks in the evening. I am thankful to live  where I do and thankful for my family; I love them all! Happy Birthday, America--the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Cherry Days Parade July 4, 2011

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