Sunday, July 10, 2011


A plant that is in full bloom right now is the delphinium-like LARKSPUR.  If you haven't had luck with the sometimes finicky, and extra-attention-requiring delphinium, then larkspur may fill the bill for you.  They have delphinium-like blooms and require a minimum of effort, and is considered an annual delphinium by many.  The seed self-sows readily, annually, ensuring a steady and abundant supply for your beds from year to year.  (They do require darkness for their seed to germinate, however, if you're sowing seed indoors yourself).They are easy to transplant when small seedlings, often requiring thinning in early spring, best done when about 2" tall.  Transplant with care, however, using a trowel.  The seeds don't come true to the parent plant, so seedlings will be in shades of pink, white, blue and purple. They grow up to 3-5 feet tall, and are wonderful in flower arrangements, with a long vase life.  They are also beautiful and easy to dry. Just hang upside down in a dark, cool place until dry, or can even be dried right in the vase naturally after the water is gone.  They can be used in a myriad of ways--in dried flower arrangements, as favors, tied with a pretty ribbon, or pressed to use as gifts.  I have a friend who presses hers and glues to folded cards, making her own note cards; a thoughtful gift or fun card to give someone special.  Used as an annual, LARKSPUR  is easy to grow and take care of.  
Susanne Holland Spicker Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Gardener, Teacher, Photographer

Passion is defined as the love of, or the object(s) of affection and emotion. I am passionate about family, friends, flowers, food, photography and fabulous music! This blog is dedicated to those loves.

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