Friday, July 8, 2011


My first ORIENTAL LILY, GOLDEN STARGAZER, has started blooming.  Oriental Lilies have a wonderful scent!  There is nothing that that can compare to the sweet, aromatic scent that permeates the premises wherever Oriental lilies are blooming!  You can actually smell them on the back yard patio, even though the Golden Stargazer is in the far upper garden. They are popular and very showy.  Their blooms can reach 10" across!  Their blooms can be flat-faced, re-curved, or trumpet shaped.  They are typically white, red, pink, rose-red, dark maroon red, and a yellow introduction,  which is pictured here. They are about 2-8 feet tall, with the taller ones usually needing staking.  Dappled sunlight is ideal for them, and they like evenly moist, but not wet, soil--too much water causes the bulb to rot.  They look good in groups of three to five, but also look great as a single specimen, especially if planted with complimentary plants, like Queen of the Prairie, Salvia, Daisies, and among ferns and hosta.  They are best planted in fall or early spring, in an area that is well drained.  These fragrant beauties are a welcome sight this time of year!    

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