Thursday, August 4, 2011


A walk through the flower beds today provided some new Oriental lilies blooming and bright summer perennials and annuals.  Recent rains have boosted the colors in the beds, and I am eager for some cooler weather in the future.  Several orientals still need to bloom, and the day lilies are all blooming now.  The zinnias are multiplying and love the hot summer days, along with the double delight echinacea.  The blue Love-In-A-Mist is beautiful, as well as the dark blue bush delphinium. Roses are now entering their 2nd flush of blooms, and the gladiola have their blooms, which will be blooming for several weeks because of planting several clusters 2 weeks apart.  The yellow garden mums also have their first little blooms.  As the weeks wear on, the dahlias will also bud and flower.  It's nice to have these colorful blooms during these dog days of summer.

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