Friday, September 30, 2011


This time of the year, plants that readily reseed themselves are starting to grow, some as tall as 3-4' already.  Others are just getting their first set of true leaves (the set of leaves that determine what the plant is, after the two little starter leaves). For the hundreds of larkspur and love-in-a-mist seedlings that have appeared in the beds, I thin them out considerably, or, in some areas, remove completely.  Some I replant, and others, if no one wants them, I just have to discard.  The lupine I will save by potting up the new little seedlings in peat pots.  I also use a root starter if I think it's necessary. Since lupine don't transplant well, when ready to plant out in the garden bed where I want it, all I will have to do is cut the bottom of the pot, and plant right into the garden to be successful.  Some of the seedlings can be left undisturbed--they are growing right where I want them.  Seedlings that I have noticed in my beds so far are Columbine, Delphinium, Lupine, Love-in-a-Mist, Larkspur, Bleeding Heart, and Hollyhock.  Other perennials, like Daylily, Salvia, Mums, and Poppy, have little off shoots that can easily be dug and re-potted or planted in the garden where desired.  Fall is a good time to do this--and so is early spring.  I try to prepared my beds all I can in the fall so that spring clean up is easier and quicker.  Another plus is that the plants will have a head-start come spring, assuring blooms. Use good judgment, however. If a plant flowers later in the season, it might be better to move in the spring.  A general rule to follow is that if it blooms early, move in the fall, and if it blooms later, it can be moved in early spring.  I've already addressed the dividing and transplanting iris, which should have been done by now.  Like I said in an earlier post, if you absolutely have to clean up your clump, do so carefully by removing over-crowded ones, using a sharp blade to carefully remove those, leaving the others undisturbed.  

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