Thursday, October 6, 2011


We have been enjoying unseasonably warm weather thus far this fall. But, it all came to a halt yesterday.A cold front arrived, and this morning it brings wind and plummeting temperatures, by as much as 30 degrees, and even snow to the mountains--lots of snow! Although the rain is a welcome sight, the winds and cold temperatures aren't, not to mention the snow! Forecasts indicate that warmer weather will return next week, which makes me happy, because there are still perennials that need to complete their bloom cycles, and I am anxious that the iris that are newly transplanted will have time to develop their root systems before freezing temperatures do arrive for good. This is the time of year to start some winterizing, which I will address in future posts. For now, I will take it easy inside and wait this first winter storm warning out. Viewing pictures of sunnier, more pleasant days always makes me look forward to the spring!

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