Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today is my Dad's 89th birthday.  As I think back over the years, I see D.L. Holland as a hard working, principled man of many talents. His ability to find a solution to any mechanical problem, and his vision and vast knowledge of the workings of things, in addition to his perfectionism and timeliness in anything he undertakes, has always made him unique and special, and someone I have loved and looked up to--I've always felt my Dad could do anything! He has always kept a "picture-perfect" immaculately manicured lawn, yard, and garden; his garage is neat and orderly; and his car is always spotless, shined and full of gas.  He is known far and wide for his organizational skills. To this day his sense of humor and quick wit are endearing. From him I learned to always take pride in a job well done, and to always do my best.  He is honest and fair, and a person of great integrity.  His exemplary years in the US Navy during WWII make him a hero in my eyes. I honor him this special day.  Happy Birthday, Dad!  I love you and wish you many more happy, productive years!

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