Sunday, November 6, 2011


  1. Smile and say "Hi" to someone new
  2. Do a random act of kindness daily
  3. Hug someone in your family for no reason
  4. Write a letter to a distant relative
  5. Bake some cookies for the local police or fire department
  6. Send a thank you note
  7. Donate good, used items to charity or a family in need
  8. Send or take someone flowers
  9. Call an old friend just to say "Hi"
  10. Send a copy of an old photo to a childhood friend
  11. Forgive daily
  12. Be a courteous driver
  13. Give people the benefit of a doubt
  14. Bake a treat for a neighbor
  15. Give someone a recording of their (or your) favorite music
  16. Share vegetables from your garden with your neighbors
  17. Tell someone you believe in them
  18. Ask an elderly person to tell you about the "good old days"
  19. Surprise someone with a small gift
  20. Visit the sick or the home bound
  21. Be tolerant of and civil to those with differing opinions
  22. Sincerely compliment someone every day
  23. Stop and buy a drink from a kid's lemonade stand
  24. Let someone know you really appreciate them
  25. Celebrate something every day!

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