Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Monkshoods are striking, long-lived perennials.  They get their name because of the "hood-like" shape of their bloom. They are among the last of the blooms of the season.They form clumps in erect spikes, in colors of deep blues and  purples. They are tall and it's best to keep them at the back of the bed. And, because the plant is poisonous, another reason for keeping it out of the forefront.  They make great cut flower arrangements.  They like evenly moist, but not wet, soil.  If allowed to dry out, they will wilt and turn black. They love shade or partial shade.  One thing to be careful of is that they have heavy, brittle stems, so keep them in a protected spot from winds and heavy rains.  You may have to stake them if grown in rich soil, but generally they need very little care during their growing season to look wonderful.  They break dormancy late--so it's beneficial to mark where they are when you cut them down in the fall so you won't harm their root system in the spring.  They look great with other fall flowering perennials--mums, asters, as well as hostas and ferns.  

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