Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Fall is the time for harvesting apples.  We have two apple trees--a Golden Delicious and a Gala apple. They have provided a good eating apple for us, as well as the golden delicious as a baking/cooking apple. I use the Golden Delicious to make my applesauce, my apple pies, apple crisps, cookies and cakes.  It is an excellent cooking apple. The Gala are best for eating. Growing apple trees in the home garden can be fun and rewarding. Choose your site wisely--a place with full sun and good drainage. We have dwarf apple trees--these are trees that are size-controlled by their root stock. The Gayla and the Golden Delicious are cross pollinator's with each other. Their juice is excellent, as well.  Proper storage of the apples after picking can prolong their shelf life if you store them at around 35-40 degrees, maintaining a high humidity. We keep our apples outside in the garage--it seems to have the best temperatures through the cold winter months. My Grandpa Hirschi had a root cellar he kept his in, which was ideal--they would last all through the winter months. He also had a pressed apple juicer--he made the best apple juice! We don't have one, and that's something I really miss. If you're interested in planting, or maintaining an existing apple tree, I suggest going to your local extension service for important information on planting, pruning, pest control, and maintaining your apple tree. If you're also interested in a great fall harvest crop, the popular apple is a great choice for you!

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