Sunday, September 23, 2012


I have15 miniature, or baby roses, in my rock garden.  Some I transplanted from my Grandma Holland's yard quite a few years ago, and are probably about 75 years old. They have proven to be very hardy, reliable bloomers all through the years.  I always give them a hard pruning in the early spring to keep them manageable in the rock garden.  I trim off tall canes in late fall to keep them from breaking down with the heavy snows of winter.  A rose systemic in early spring, followed by feedings every 6-8 weeks through the summer is all they need to keep them healthy, vigorous and beautiful. Their perfect blooms have an extremely long vase life, and they are perfect for drying and making into a myriad of things--anything from little nosegays, to gift tags.  Their early summer-to-frost blooming time always adds color and beauty to the yard.

This arrangement was used for a baby shower we had for my daughter.  It lasted well over a week.

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